


姓名:丁澦Yu DING


職務:分黨委副書記Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee


辦公地點:万博体育分 E301-7E301-7, School of Life Sciences




Autophagy-Lysosome-Based Pathogenic Macromolecular Targeted Degradation Technology (ATTEC), Nanobody Technology


男,19784月出生,教授,博士生導師,入選上海市東方英才計劃拔尖項目。1996-1999年就讀於万博英超狼队网官方网 理科基地班,獲學士學位;1999-2004年就讀於万博英超狼队网官方网 生物物理學專業(碩博連讀),獲理學博士學位。2004年認定為講師,2007年晉升副教授,2020年晉升教授,其中20092月至20119月至香港大學化學係交流。現主持包括國家自然科學基金重點項目和國家重點研發計劃(課題組長)在內的多項國家及省部級基金項目。

Male, born in April 1978, Professor, Ph.D. supervisor, selected for the Shanghai Eastern Scholar Program. Yu DING attended the Science Base Class at the School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, from 1996 to 1999, obtaining a bachelor's degree. From 1999 to 2004, he pursued Biophysics at the School of Life Sciences, Fudan University (integrated master's and doctoral program), earning a Ph.D. degree. He was appointed as a lecturer in 2004, promoted to associate professor in 2007, and to professor in 2020. From February 2009 to September 2011, he had an exchange program at the Department of Chemistry, the University of Hong Kong. He currently leads several national and provincial-level projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation Key Project and the National Key R&D Program (as project leader).




Undergraduate courses: "Physiology", "Biotechnology Career Development"

Graduate courses: "Molecular Biology of the cell", "Modern Biological Research Techniques"

招生專業:生理與神經Physiology and Neurology





2021-2026, National Key R&D Program (Project Leader), Study on the Genetic Basis and Pathogenic Mechanisms of Hereditary Ataxia-Related Movement Disorders, Project ID: 2021YFA0805200

2021-2025, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key Project, Molecular Mechanism of Interaction between Autophagosome-Binding Compound (ATTEC) and LC3 as well as PolyQ Pathogenic Proteins, Project ID: 82030106

2021-2024, National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Project, Identification and Validation of Fully Synthetic Humanized Nanobodies Specific for Inhibiting G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR52, Project ID: 32070939


Sanofi-Cell Research年度傑出論文獎,“鍾揚式”好老師(十佳教師)、本專科生“我心目中的好老師”、指導本科生陳聞濤,陸致晟和吳旭冬獲第11屆“挑戰杯”全國特等獎並獲優秀指導教師獎

Sanofi-Cell Research Outstanding Paper Award (2021)

"Zhong Yang-style" Excellent Teacher (Top 10 Teachers), Good Teacher in the Hearts of Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Mentored undergraduates Chen Wentao, Lu Zhisheng, and Wu Xudong, winners of the National Challenge Cup Special Prize at the 11th Challenge Cup, and received the Excellent Mentor Award


1. Allele-selective lowering of mutant HTT protein by HTT–LC3 linker compounds, Z Li, C Wang, Z Wang, C Zhu, J Li, T Sha, L Ma, C Gao…, Y Ding#, Y Fei#, B Lu#, Nature, 575(7781): 203, (2019) (入選Nature評選的2019年度十大傑出論文)

2. Emerging degrader technologies engaging lysosomal pathways, Y Ding#, D Xing#, Y Fei#, B Lu# - Chemical Society Reviews, 51:8832, (2022) (封麵論文,長篇綜述)

3. Degradation of lipid droplets by chimeric autophagy-tethering compounds, Y Fu, N Chen, Z Wang, S Luo, Y Ding#, B Lu#, Cell research, 31(9): 965, (2021) (封麵論文,獲Sanofi-Cell Research 2021年度傑出論文獎)

4. Structural Insights into the Binding of Red Fluorescent Protein mCherry-Specific Nanobodies, H Liang, Z Ma, Z Wang, P Zhong, R Li, H Jiang, X Zong…, R Liu#, Y Ding#, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(8): 6952, (2023)

5. A highly stable human single-domain antibody-drug conjugate exhibits superior penetration and treatment of solid tumors, Y Wu#, Q Li, Y Kong, Z Wang, C Lei, J Li, L Ding…, Y Ding#, T Ying#, Molecular Therapy, 30(8): 2785, (2022)

6. Suppression of toxicity of the mutant huntingtin protein by its interacting compound, desonide, H Song, C Wang, C Zhu, Z Wang, H Yang, P Wu, X Cui…, Y Ding#, Y Fei#, B Lu#, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(10): e2114303119, (2022)

7. Structural insights into the binding of nanobodies LaM2 and LaM4 to the red fluorescent protein mCherry, Z Wang, L Li, R Hu, P Zhong, Y Zhang, S Cheng…, Y Ding#, Protein Science, 30(11): 2298, (2021)

8. Emerging new concepts of degrader technologies, Y Ding#, Y Fei#, B Lu#, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 41(7):464, (2020)

9. Targeting the N terminus of eIF4AI for inhibition of its catalytic recycling, C Jiang, Y Tang, L Ding, R Tan, X Li, J Lu, J Jiang…, Y Ding#, J Liu#, Y Dang#, Cell chemical biology, 26(10):1417, (2019)

10. Flotillin-1 downregulates K+ current by directly coupling with Kv2. 1 subunit, R Liu, G Yang, MH Zhou, Y He, YA Mei#, Y Ding#, Protein & Cell, 7(6): 455, (2016)
