




辦公地點:万博英超狼队网官方网 A301-6



女,博士,万博英超狼队网官方网 青年研究員。2008-20122012-2017年就讀於中山大學環境科學與工程學院,分別獲學士與博士學位。2017-2020年加入中山大學中山醫學院吳忠道教授團隊及中國疾病預防控製中心傳染病預防控製所張永振教授團隊從事博士後研究。20185月至今在狗万外围充值 附屬上海市公共衛生臨床中心兼任青年研究員,從事病毒學及新發傳染病研究。20228月加入万博英超狼队网官方网 張永振教授團隊,任青年研究員,致力於病毒發現、病毒遺傳進化、病毒生態學,及病毒與宿主相互作用等研究。近年來以第一或通訊作者(含共同)在NatureCellNat MicrobiolEMBO JBMC Med等國際著名期刊發表論文10餘篇,並獲NatureScienceNat Rev MicrobiolEMBO J等期刊配發評論文章對相關研究的科學意義予以高度評價。2021年入選上海市青年科技啟明星計劃。



代表性論文 (#一作,*通訊)

  1. Chen YM#, Hu SJ#, Lin XD#, Tian JH#, Lv JX, Wang MR, Luo XQ, Pei YY, Hu RX, Song ZG, Holmes EC, Zhang YZ*. 2023 Host traits shape virome composition and virus transmission in wild small mammals. Cell 186(21):4662-4675.e12.

  2. Wu F#, Zhao S#, Yu B#, Chen YM#, Wang W#, Song ZG#, Hu Y#, Tao ZW, Tian JH, Pei YY, Yuan ML, Zhang YL, Dai FH, Liu Y, Wang QM, Zheng JJ, Xu L, Holmes EC and Zhang YZ*. 2020 A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China. Nature 579: 265-269.

  3. Chen YM#, Sadiq S#, Tian JH, Chen X, Lin XD, Shen JJ, Chen H, Hao ZY, Wille M, Zhou ZC, Wu J, Li F, Wang HW, Yang WD, Xu QY, Wang W, Gao WH, Holmes EC, Zhang YZ*. 2022 RNA viromes from terrestrial sites across China expand environmental viral diversity. Nat Microbiol 7(8):1312-1323.

  4. Chen YM#, Zheng YT#, Yu Y#, Wang YZ#, Huang XQ#, Qian F#, Sun L#, Song ZG, Chen ZY, Feng JW, An YP, Yang JC, Su ZQ, Sun SY, Dai FH, Chen QS, Lu QW, Li PC, Ling Y, Yang Z, Tang HR, Shi LM, Jin L, Holmes EC, Chen D, Zhu TY and Zhang YZ*. 2020 Blood molecular markers associated with COVID-19 Immunopathology and multiorgan damage. EMBO J 39: e105896.

  5. Sun Z#, Song ZG#, Liu C#, Tan S#, Lin S, Zhu J, Dai FH, Gao J, She JL, Mei Z, Lou T, Zheng JJ, Liu Y, He J, Zheng Y, Ding C, Qian F, Zheng Y*, Chen YM*. 2022 Gut microbiome alterations and gut barrier dysfunction are associated with host immune homeostasis in COVID-19 patients. BMC Med 20:24

  6. Gao WH#, Lin XD#, Chen YM#, Xie CG, Tan ZZ, Zhou JJ, Chen S, Holmes EC and Zhang YZ*. 2020 Newly identified viral genomes in pangolins with fatal disease. Virus Evol 6: veaa020.

  7. Song ZG#, Chen YM#, Wu F#, Xu L, Wang BF, Shi L, Chen X, Dai FH, She JL, Chen JM, Holmes EC, Zhu TY* and Zhang YZ*. 2020 Identifying the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Environmental Monitoring in Airborne Infectious Isolation Rooms (AIIRs). Virol Sin35:785-792.

  8. Chen YM, Holmes EC, Chen X, Tian JH, Lin XD, Qin XC, Gao WH, Liu J, Wu ZD* and Zhang YZ*. 2020 Diverse and abundant resistome in terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates revealed by transcriptional analysis. Sci Rep 10: 18870

  9. Zhang YZ*, Chen YM, Wang W, Qin XC and Holmes EC. 2019 Expanding the RNA Virosphere by Unbiased Metagenomics. Annu Rev Virol 6: 119-139.

  10. Wang W, Tian JH, Chen X, Hu RX, Lin XD, Pei YY, Lv JX, Zheng JJ, Dai FH, Song ZG, Chen YM, Zhang YZ*. 2022 Coronaviruses in wild animals sampled in and around Wuhan at the beginning of COVID-19 emergence. Virus Evol 8(1): veac046.

  11. Shi M, Zhao S, Yu B, Wu WC, Hu Y, Tian JH, Yin W, Ni F, Hu HL, Geng S, Tan L, Peng Y, Song ZG, Wang W, Chen YM, Holmes EC, Zhang YZ*. 2022 Total infectome characterization of respiratory infections in pre-COVID-19 Wuhan, China. PLoS Pathog 18(2): e1010259.

  12. Guo JJ# Lin XD#, Chen YM, Hao ZY, Wang ZX, Yu ZM, Lu M, Li K, Qin XC, Wang W, Holmes EC, Hou W* and Zhang YZ*. 2020 Diversity and circulation of Jingmen tick virus in ticks and mammals. Virus Evol6: veaa051.

  13. Sadiq S, Chen YM, Zhang YZ, Holmes EC*. 2022 Resolving deep evolutionary relationships within the RNA virus phylum Lenarviricota. Virus Evol 8(1): veac055.
