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女,狗万外围充值 特聘教授、博士生導師。1987年本科畢業於華東理工大學生物化學專業,1997年獲得俄羅斯科學院獲得生物學Ph D學位。1997-1999年在南京大學生物學專業博士後,1999-2001年狗万外围充值 生物學專業博士後,2001年至今,狗万外围充值 生科院遺傳學專業副教授/碩導、特聘教授/博導,遺傳工程國家重點實驗室PI2013年起,組建狗万外围充值 上海工業菌株工程技術研究中心,並擔任中心主任。







1. Chen, Y., Hu, X., Guo, C., Yu, Y*. & Lu, H*. Epe1 contributes to activation of AMPK by promoting phosphorylation of AMPK alpha subunit, Ssp2, Scientific reports. 7, 32082017

2. Huan ZhouQi Liu,Tianfang Shi,Yao Yu* and Hong Lu Genome-wide screen of fission yeast mutants for sensitivity to 6-azauracil, an inhibitor of transcriptional elongation. Yeast 32(10):643-55, 2015,

3. Deng Xiaolong, Zhou Huan, Zhang Guiping, Mao Langyong, Wang Wenchao, Zhou Xing, Yu Yao*, Lu Hong*. Sgf73, a subunit of SAGA complex, is required for the assembly of RITS complex in fission yeast. Scientific Reports. 7;5:14707, 2015

4. Wenjuan Mo, Chao Tong, Yan Zhang and Hong Lu* microRNAs' differential regulations mediate the progress of human papillomavirus (HPV)-induced cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) BMC Systems Biology 9:4, 2015.

5.Mao Langyong, Zhang Yan, Mo Wenjuan, Yu Yao, Lu Hong*. BANF1 is downregulated by IRF1-regulated microRNA-203 in cervical cancer. PLoS One, 10 (2): e0117035, 2015.

6. Mao Langyong, Zhang Yan, Deng Xiaolong, Mo Wenjuan, Yu Yao, Lu Hong*. Transcription factor KLF4 regulates microRNA-544 that targets YWHAZ in cervical cancer. American Journal of Cancer Research, 15;5(6):1939-53, 2015

7. Bingkun Lei, Nan Zhou, Yuchen Guo, Wenqi Zhao, Yan-Wen Tan, Yao Yu* and Hong Lu* Septin ring assembly is regulated by Spt20, a structural subunit of the SAGA complex Journal of Cell Science 127, 4024–4036,2014

8. Nansong Liu, Jiadong Wang, Jifeng Wang, Rukai Wang, Yao Yu and Hong Lu*. ING5 is a Tip60 cofactor that acetylates p53 in response to DNA damage. Cancer Research 73(12):3749- 3760,June 15, 2013

9. Xian Pan, Bingkun Lei, Nan Zhou, Biwei Feng, Xin Zhao, Yao Yu*,Hong Lu*. Identification of novel genes involved in DNA damage response by screening a genome-wide Schizosaccharomyces pombe deletion library. BMC Genomics 13(1):662-676, 2012

10. Pan Xian; Zhou Jungang; Tian Ai; Yuan Hanying; Xue Yanfen; Ma Yanhe; Lu Hong*. High level expression of a truncated ß-mannanase from alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. N16-5 in Kluyveromyces cicerisporus. Biotechnology letters33(3):565-70, 2011

11. Jian-Qiang CHEN, Yang LI, Xian PAN, Bing-Kun LEI, Zheng-Xun LIU, Hong LU*, The fission yeast inhibitor of growth (ING) homolog Png1 functions in DNA damage response. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (21):15786-15793, 2010

12. 授權及申請中國發明專利22項,國際PCT專利1

