










2002-2006在南京師範大學獲得理學學士2006-2013在中國科學院上海植物生理生態研究所獲得博士學位,之後於2014-2021年在英國劍橋大學Sainsbury實驗室從事博士後研究。20222月加入万博英超狼队网官方网 ,任青年研究員。其研究領域聚焦於作物免疫的分子和生化機理:1)在水稻中鑒定到一條全新的、以鈣離子感受器ROD1為核心並受氣候選擇的免疫信號通路,提出了蛋白結構模擬所介導的植物-病原菌共進化模型;2)發現了調控水稻抗病反應的新型脂類代謝分子;3)揭示了禾穀類作物感知和響應溫度變化的分子機理,為植物抗病性的環境調控研究奠定了基礎。相關成果發表於Genome Biology (2023)Cell (2021)PLoS Pathogens(2017)等期刊,獲得國內外同行關注。2022年入選國家海外高層次人才青年項目、上海市領軍人才(海外)青年項目和上海市浦江人才計劃項目。獲得上海市植物病理學會頒發的2022年“青年科學家獎”。




科技部國家重點研發計劃 “生物安全關鍵技術研究”專項課題負責人(2023YFC2604501


  1. Gao M#, Lu Y#, Geng F, Klose C, Staudt A, Huang H, Nguyen D, Lan H, Lu H, Mockler T, Nusinow D, Hiltbrunner A, Schafer E, Wigge P*, Jaeger K*. (2023). Phytochromes transmit photoperiod information via the Evening Complex in Brachypodium. Genome biology 24(1):256.

  2. Gao M#*, Schornack S*. (2023) Antibodies for a bespoke plant immunity. Cell Host Microbe. 31(5):683-684. 

  3. Lu H, Gao M*. (2023) Dual functions of a novel effector in the plant and pathogen arms race. Stress Biol. 3(1):33.

  4. Gao M#, He Y#, Yin X#, Zhong X#*, Yan B, Chen J, Wu Y, Li X, Huang Y, Gong X, Chang H, Xie S, Liu J, Yue J, Xu J, Zhang G, Deng Y, Wang E, Tharreau D, Wang G, Yang W*, and He Z*. (2021). Ca2+ sensor-mediated ROS scavenging suppresses rice intrinsic immunity and is exploited by a fungal effector. Cell184(21):5391-5404.

  5. Gao M#, Yin X#, Yang W#, Lam SM, Tong X, Liu J, Wang X, Li Q, Shui G, He Z*. (2017). GDSL lipases modulate immunity through lipid homeostasis in rice.PLoS Pathogens13(11): e1006724.

  6. Gao M, He Z*. (2013). Studies on innate immunity in rice. SCIENTIA SINICA Vitae 43: 1016–1029.

  7. Jung J#, Barbosa A#, Hutin S#, Kumita J, Gao M, Derwort D, Silva C, Lai X, Pierre E, Geng F, Kim S, Baek S, Zubieta C, Jaeger KE, Wigge PA*. (2020). A prion-like domain in ELF3 functions as a thermosensor in Arabidopsis. Nature585(7824): 256-260. 

  8. Hus K, Betekhtin A, Pinski A, Rojek-Jelonek M, Grzebelus E, Nibau C, Gao M, Jaeger KE, Jenkins G, Doonan JH, Hasterok R. (2020). A CRISPR/Cas9-Based Mutagenesis Protocol for Brachypodium distachyon and Its Allopolyploid Relative, Brachypodium hybridum. Front Plant Sci.11:614. 

  9. Ramos-Sánchez J, Triozzi P, Alique D, Geng F, Gao M, Jaeger K, Wigge P, Allona I, Perales M*. (2019). LHY2 integrates night-length information to determine timing of poplar photoperiodic growth.Curr. Biol.29(14):2402-2406.

  10. Yin X#, Zou B#, Hong X, Gao M, Yang W, Zhong X, He Y, Kuai P, Lou Y, Huang J, Hua J*, He Z*. (2018). Rice copine genes OsBON1 and OsBON3 function as suppressors of broad-spectrum disease resistance.Plant Biotechnol. J.16:1476-1487.

  11. Jung J#, Domijan M#, Klose C#, Biswas S#, Ezer D#Gao M, Khattak A, Box M, Charoensawan V, Cortijo S, Kumar M, Grant A, Locke J, Schäfer E, Jaeger K, Wigge P*. (2016). Phytochromes function as thermosensors in Arabidopsis.Science 354: 886-889.

  12. Yang W, Gao M, Yin X, Liu J, Xu Y, Zeng L, Li Q, Zhang S, Wang J, Zhang X, and He Z*. (2013). Control of rice embryo development, shoot apical meristem maintenance and grain yield by a novel cytochrome P450. Mol. Plant6: 1945-1960.

  13. Yang W#Ren S#Zhang X#Gao M, Ye SQi YZheng YWang JZeng LLi QHuang SHe Z*. (2011). BENT UPPERMOST INTERNODE1 encodes a class II formin FH5 crucial for actin organization and rice development. Plant Cell 23: 661-680.

  14. Chen FGao M, Miao Y, Yuan YWang MLi QMao BJiang LHe Z*. (2010). Plasma membrane localization and potential endocytosis of constitutively expressed XA21 proteins in transgenic rice. Mol. Plant3: 917-926.

  15. Wang YGao M, Li QWang LWang JJeon JSQu NZhang YHe Z*. (2008). OsRAR1 and OsSGT1 physically interact and function in rice basal disease resistance. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21: 294-303.
