












  • 狗万外围充值 ,2000-2005,神經生物學,博士

  • 狗万外围充值 ,1996-2000,遺傳學,學士


  • 狗万外围充值 ,2012年至今,研究員,博士生導師

  • 美國國立衛生研究院,2010年至2012年,研究科學家

  • 美國國立衛生研究院,2005年至2010年,博士後


  • 中國生物物理學會理事

  • 中國生物物理學會“膜與細胞生物物理”分會理事

  • 上海市非線性科學學會理事

  • Scientific Reports BMC Neuroscience編委


  • 主持國家自然基金麵上項目, 31971159317709023157083331370828

  • 主持國家重點研發計劃課題, 2016YFA0100802

  • 參與國家高技術研究發展計劃(863 計劃), 2015AA020512

  • 參與上海市自然科學重大項目, 2019-01-07-00-07-E00041


  • 入選浦江人才計劃

  • 上海生物物理學會青年科技英才


  • 生理學與神經生物學(万博体育分 本科榮譽課程)

  • 腦科學概論(非生命科學專業)

  • 腦科學導論(信息學院)

  • 腦科學與類腦係統(類腦方向)

  • 神經生物學(万博体育分 研究生課程)




  1. Wu YC, Liu QZ, Guo B, Ye FF, Ge JL, and Xue L. BDNF activates postsynaptic TrkB receptors to induce endocannabinoid release and inhibit presynaptic calcium influx at a calyx-type synapse. (2020). the Journal of Neuroscience. 40:8070-8087.    

  2. Liu QZ#, Hao M#, Zhou ZY#, Ge JL, Wu YC, Zhao LL, Wu X, Feng Y, Gao H, Li S*, and Xue L*. Propofol reduces synaptic strength by inhibiting sodium and calcium channels at nerve terminals. (2019). Protein & Cell. 2019 Sep;10(9):688-693.   

  3. Jia B, Wu YC, He D, Guo BH, and Xue L. Dynamics of transitions from anti-phase to multiple in-phase synchronizations in inhibitory coupled bursting neurons. (2018). Nonlinear Dynamics. 93: 1599-1618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-018-4279-x.

  4. Sun ZC#, Ge JL#, Guo B#, Guo J, Hao M, Wu YC, Lin YA, La T, Yao PT, Mei YA, Feng Y* and Xue L*. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Facilitate Vesicle Endocytosis by Increasing Presynaptic Calcium Channel Expression at a Central Synapse. (2016). Scientific Reports. Feb 18;6:21774.   

  5. Guo J#, Ge JL#, Hao M#, Sun ZC#, Wu XS, Zhu JB, Wang W, Yao PT, Lin W and Xue L*. A Three-Pool Model Dissecting Readily Releasable Pool Replenishment at the Calyx of Held. (2015). Scientific Reports, 5:9517.

  6. Guo J, Sun ZC, Yao PT, Wang HL and Xue L. A Monte Carlo simulation dissecting quantal release at the calyx of Held. (2015). Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) 20:1079–1091.

  7. Xue L#*, Sheng J#, Wu XS, Wu W, Luo FJ, Shin Wonchul, Chiang HC, and Wu LG*. Most vesicles in a central nerve terminal participate in recycling. (2013). Journal of Neuroscience2013 May 15;33(20):8820-6.

  8. Xue L#, Zhang Z#, McNeil B, Luo FJ, Wu XS, Sheng JS and Wu LG*. Voltage-dependent calcium channels at the plasma membrane, but not vesicular channels, couple exocytosis to endocytosis. (2012). Cell reports, 1 (6) : 632-638.

  9. Xue L#, McNeil BD, Wu XS, Luo FJ, He L and Wu LG*. A Membrane Pool Retrieved via Endocytosis Overshoot at Nerve Terminals: A Study of Its Retrieval Mechanism and Role. (2012). Journal of Neuroscience, 2012 Mar 7; 2(10):3398-404.

  10. Xue L# and Wu LG*. Post-tetanic potentiation is caused by two signaling mechanisms affecting quantal size and quantal content. (2010). Journal of Physiology (Lond.) 4987–4994.

  11. He L#, Xue L#, Xu J, McNeil B, Bai L, Melicoff E, Adachi R and Wu LG*. Compound vesicle fusion increases quantal size and potentiates synaptic transmission. (2009). Nature, 459(7243):93-7.
