





辦公地點:上海淞滬路2005號狗万外围充值 江灣校區生科大樓 A301





男,博士,万博英超狼队网官方网 微生物係副教授。1996年本科畢業於武漢大學万博体育分 ,獲學士學位。2001年畢業於中國科學院上海生命科學研究院植物生理生態研究所,獲博士學位。2002-2003年在諾丁漢大學女王醫學中心、2003-2005年在阿伯丁大學醫學科學研究所進行博士後研究。2005年,進入万博英超狼队网官方网 工作,曆任講師,副教授。




微生物學 Microbiology


  1. Liang J, Wang H, Bian X, Zhang Y, Zhao G, Ding X*. (2020) Heterologous redox partners supporting the efficient catalysis of epothilone B biosynthesis by EpoK in Schlegelella brevitalea. Microb Cell Fact.19(1):180. doi: 10.1186/s12934-020-01439-5.

  2. Yu Y, Wang H, Tang B, Liang J, Zhang L, Wang H, Bian X, Li YZ, Zhang Y, Zhao GP*, Ding X*. (2020) Reassembly of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Enables High Epothilone Yield in Engineered Schlegelella brevitalea.ACS Synth Biol. 9(8):2009-2022.

  3. Tang B, Yu Y, Liang J, Zhang Y, Bian X, Zhi X*, Ding X*. (2019) Reclassification of Polyangium brachysporumDSM 7029 as Schlegelella brevitalea sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 69(9):2877-2883.

  4. Lei X, Fan Q, Huang T, Liu H, Zhao G, Ding X*. (2019) Efficient circular gene knockout system for Burkholderiales strain DSM 7029 and Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2 155. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 51(7):697-706.

  5. Lei X, Wang L, Zhao G, Ding X*. (2018) Site-specificity of serine integrase demonstrated by the attB sequence preference of phiBT1 integrase. FEBS Lett. 592(8):1389-1399.

  6. Yu Y, Tang B, Dai R, Zhang B, Chen L, Yang H, Zhao G*, Ding X*. (2018) Identification of the streptothricin and tunicamycin biosynthetic gene clusters by genome mining in Streptomyces sp. strain fd1-xmd. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 102(6):2621-2633.

  7. Wang H, Zhao G*, Ding X*.(2017) Morphology engineering of Streptomyces coelicolor M145 by sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics. Sci Rep. 7(1): 13226.

  8. Bian X, Tang B, Yu Y, Tu Q, Gross F, Wang H, Li A, Fu J, Shen Y, Li YZ, Stewart AF, Zhao G, Ding X*, Müller R*, Zhang Y*. (2017) Heterologous Production and Yield Improvement of Epothilones in Burkholderiales Strain DSM 7029. ACS Chem Biol. 12(7):1805-1812.

  9. Li C, Liu X, Lei C, Yan H, Shao Z, Wang Y, Zhao G, Wang J*, Ding X*. (2017) RifZ (AMED_0655) Is a Pathway-Specific Regulator for Rifamycin Biosynthesis in Amycolatopsis mediterranei. Appl Environ Microbiol. 83(8):e03201-16.

  10. Wang X, Tang B, Ye Y, Mao Y, Lei X, Zhao G*, Ding X*. (2017) Bxb1 integrase serves as a highly efficient DNA recombinase in rapid metabolite pathway assembly. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 49(1):44-50.

  11. Tang B Yu YZhi XYang LCen XZhao G* Ding X*. (2016) Streptomyces yangpuensis sp. nov., isolated from soilInt J Syst Evol Microbiol.661224–1229.

  12. Tang B, Yu Y, Zhang Y*, Zhao G*, Ding X*. (2015) Complete genome sequence of the glidobactin producing strain [Polyangium] brachysporum DSM 7029. J Biotechnol. 210:83-84.

  13. Bai J, Dan C, Zhang Y, Zhao G*, Ding X*. (2015) NGSmirPlant: comprehensive characterization of the small RNA transcriptomes of plants. Protein & Cell.  6(6): 397-402.

  14. Zhang L, Zhu B, Dai R, Zhao G*, Ding X*. (2013) Control of directionality in Streptomyces phage φBT1 integrase-mediated site-specific recombination. PLoS One. 8(11):e80434.

  15. Zhang B, Zhang L, Dai R, Yu M, Zhao G*, Ding X*.2013An efficient procedure for marker-free mutagenesis of S. coelicolor by site-specific recombination for secondary metabolite overproduction. PLoS One. 8(2) (2013): e55906.

  16. Zhang L, Zhao G*, Ding X*. (2011) Tandem assembly of the epothilone biosynthetic gene cluster by in vitro site-specific recombination. Sci Rep. 1:141.

  17. Zhang L., Wang L., Wang J., Ou X., Zhao G.*, Ding X.* (2010).DNA cleavage is independent of synapsis during Streptomyces phage phiBT1 integrase-mediated site-specific recombination. J Mol Cell Biol. 2(5):264-275.

  18. Zhao W., Zhong Y., Yuan H., Wang J., Zheng H., Wang Y., Cen X., Xu F., Bai J., Han X., Lu G., Zhu Y., Shao Z., Yan H., Li C., Peng N., Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Lin W., Fan Y., Qin Z., Hu Y., Zhu B., Wang S.*, Ding X.*, Zhao G.* (2010).Complete genome sequence of the rifamycin SV-producing Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 revealed its genetic characteristics in phylogeny and metabolism. Cell Res. 20(10):1096-108.

  19. Ou X., Zhang B., Zhang L., Zhao G.*, and Ding X.* (2009) Characterization of rrdA, a TetR Family Protein Gene Involved in the Regulation of Secondary Metabolism in Streptomyces coelicolor. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(7): 2158-2165.

  20. Zhang L., Ou X., Zhao G.*, Ding X.* (2008).Highly Efficient In Vitro Site-Specific Recombination System Based on Streptomyces Phage BT1 Integrase. J Bacteriol. 190(19): 6392-6397.
