





辦公地點:万博英超狼队网官方网  C305



男,1973年出生,博士,教授。在北京大學化學係獲學士學位,在韓國科學技術院生物科學係獲博士學位。2005年開始在万博英超狼队网官方网 當講師和副教授,2011年晉升為教授。國外SCI雜誌PLoS ONEJournal of Microbiology的編委,Frontiers in Microbiology的審稿編委;中國微生物學會教學工作委員會委員;國家自然科學基金委重大研究項目“水圈微生物驅動地球元素循環的機製”專家組學術秘書。







微生物學 (本科生專業必修課)

生活中的微生物 (本科生公選課)

微生物分子生態學 (研究生選修課)


微生物學 (學術碩士、學術博士)




1. Dan-Qi Wang, Cheng-Hao Zhou, Ming Nie, Ji-Dong Gu, Zhe-Xue Quan. Abundance and niche specificity of different types of complete ammonia oxidizers (comammox) in salt marshes covered by different plants. Sci Tot Environ. 768:144993, 2021.

2.Ran Jiang, Jian-Gong Wang, Ting Zhu, Bin Zou, Dan-Qi Wang, Sung-Keun Rhee, Dong An, Zhi-Yuan Ji and Zhe-Xue Quan*. Use of newly designed primers for quantification of complete   ammonia-oxidizing (comammox) bacterial clades and strict nitrite oxidizers in the genus Nitrospira. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 86:e01775-20, 2020.

3.  Xia F, Wang J-G, Zhu T, Zou B, Rhee S-K, Quan Z-X*. Ubiquity and diversity of complete ammonia oxidizers (comammox). Appl Environ Microbiol. 84, e01390-18, 2018. (至20212月,被SCI雜誌他引39次)

4. Jian-Gong Wang, Fei Xia, Jemaneh Zeleke, Bin Zou, Sung-Keun Rhee, and Zhe-Xue Quan. An improved protocol with a highly degenerate primer targeting copper-containing membrane-bound monooxygenase genes for community analysis of methane- and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 93(3), fiw2442018.

5. 全哲學,追尋全程硝化菌之路:基因序列驅動的新功能微生物的發現,中國科學基金,5479-4842018.

6. Zhe-Xue Quan, Sung-Keun Rhee, Jian-E Zuo, Yang Yang, Jin-Woo Bae, Ja Ryeong Park, Sung-Taik Lee, Yong-Ha Park*. Diversity of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in a granular sludge anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) reactor. Environ Microbiol. 10, 3130-3139, 2008. (發現第五個厭氧氨氧化菌候選屬;至20212月,被SCI雜誌引用212)


7. Ting Zhu, Yuan-Yuan Duan, Fan-Qi Kong, Carlos Galzote and Zhe-Xue Quan*. Dynamics of skin mycobiome in infants. Front. Microbiol. 2020, 11: 1790.

8. Ting Zhu, Xing Liu, Fan-Qi Kong, Yuan-Yuan Duan, Alyson L. Yee, Madeline Kim, Carlos Galzote, Jack A. Gilbert, and Zhe-Xue Quan*. Age and mothers: potent influences of children’s skin microbiota, J Invest Derm. 139, 2497-2505, 2019. (同期有專家點評文章;被Faculty of 1000推薦)

9. Shi Ying, Dan-Ning Zeng, Liang Chi, Yuan Tan, Carlos Galzote, Cesar Cardona, Simon Lax, Jack Gilbert, Zhe-Xue Quan*. The influence of age and gender on skin-associated microbial communities in urban and rural human populations. PLoS One. 10, e0141842, 2015. (至20212月,被SCI雜誌引用80次)


10. Zhe-Xue Quan, Wan-Taeck Im. Fimbriimonadia. In Book: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2020.

11.  W-T Im, Z-Y Hu, K-H Kim, S-K Rhee, H Meng, S-T Lee and Z-X Quan*. Description of Fimbriimonas ginsengisoli gen. nov., sp. nov. within the Fimbriimonadia class nov., of the phylum Armatimonadetes.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek J. 102, 307-317, 2012. (發現細菌新的綱)

12. Ru-Yi Zhang, Bin Zou, Yong-Wei Yan, Che Ok Jeon, Meng Li, Mingwei Cai, Zhe-Xue Quan*. Design of targeted primers based on 16S rRNA sequences in meta-transcriptomic datasets and identification of a novel taxonomic group in the Asgard archaea. BMC Microbiol. 20(1), 25, 2020.

13. Yong-Wei Yan, Bin Zou, Ting Zhu, Wael N. Hozzein, Zhe-Xue Quan*. Modified RNA-seq method for microbial community and diversity analysis using rRNA in different types of environmental samples.PLoS ONE. 12(10), e0186161, 2017.

14.  X-R Li, Y Lv, H Meng, J-D Gu, Z-X Quan*. Analysis of microbial diversity by pyrosequencing the small-subunit ribosomal RNA without PCR amplification. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 98, 3777-3789, 2014.

15. D-P Mao, Q Zhou, C-Y Chen, Z-X Quan*. Coverage evaluation of universal bacterial primers using the metagenomic datasets. BMC Microbiol. 12, 66, 2012. (至20212月,被SCI雜誌引用107次)
